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Good Curls Finish First

Natural Hair Care Product Reviews

Dueling Detanglers (Shea Moisture)



It's greasy. Like really greasy. But, can't we all use a little more moisture in our manes? And these two detanglers can make your hair shiny and silky for days. Use them sparingly, as a lot goes a long way. What's the difference? Well, one has GLYCERIN as the first ingredient, while the other has WATER (with Glycerin as a the second ingredient) both products have essentially the same effect. So, when I found the "Braid up, take down" on clearance at my neighborhood Target, I snapped up a few bottles! I like it because, when I color (okay, I bleach) my ends blonde, it puts the moisture back and cuts down on the look of split ends. 
Beware: the curl definition (surprisingly) isn't there. One would think it would be given the "heaviness" of the product. It does seem to "straighten" my curls a bit so that they aren't as tight. Due to the weight of the product, I notice by day 3, my curls are significantly stretched (some down to almost more of a wave).  See below:


Curl Mane-tenance


I am already a believer in Mane Choice products. The owner and creator, Courtney Adeleye is a hair care rock star with ridiculously long natural hair that probably flips itself.  Courtney WOULD NOT put her brand on something if it wasn't AWESOME.

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To the Matte


The others all come off after eating and need to be reapplied. Because of Nickak's staying power, I did a quick ingredients check to see if it had something crazy that made it last so long.

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