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Good Curls Finish First

Natural Hair Care Product Reviews

Cantu Wave Whip Review 😔


Don't let the wet look fool you, because when it dries... 


 Cantu products have been pretty good to me.  So, when someone in my Zumba class suggested Cantu Wave Whip as a setting lotion (for a twist out), I was all about it. I checked the ingredients, when I spotted it at Target for $5.99.  Water and castor oil, are the base of this product, which is good for your hair. It goes on like a mousse.  This is awesome because your curls are saturated with the product from only 2 pumps. There's a white foamy look if you use too much, but that will fade as your hair dries.
        *                           *                          *

Two hours later, my hair is dry (in part air dried on my way to work with the windows down--it's Summer y'all). Ok, so it's frizzy in spots, but some definition too. It dries a little stiff (not crunchy) and you can "pull" the curls and it will move much more. My hair was freshly washed and conditioned when I applied it in the photo above. So... I am going to give it a 7 out of 10. I think it might be better cocktailed with a leave-in conditioner. 


Oh! I did try it as a setting lotion and that was a mess. (NO PICTURES PLEASE)  I think my hair just hates twist outs. Seriously, they always come out too puffy and frizzy.