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Curl Mane-tenance

Good Curls Finish First

Natural Hair Care Product Reviews

Curl Mane-tenance


Blame the weather. Maybe it was the "shock" of bleaching my ends again that did it. 

My curls had gone rogue. My rebel strands were not trying to act right at all.  They seem to fuss at me with angry frizz, and attitudinal dryness. I am serious. None of my "go-to" products (Cantu, Paul Mitchell, Shea Moisture, etc) were working. I have heard of this issue before. Your hair adapts to the products that use most often and soon they no longer work. I thought this was a myth like Sasquatch, Yeti or men who don't lie.  Ugh! Well, after an oil treatment and a deep conditioner still didn't control my frizz and maintain a defined curl, I knew I had to take drastic measures. I sought out GEL---yes the very stuff that would turn my hair into a pack of dry Ramen noodles--in the name of curl definition!

I went to a Sally's beauty supply one especially cold night and once I located the $5 gallon tub of what is mostly water and COPOLYMER, I was about to head to the checkout when I took a peek at The Mane Choice "Crystal Orchid" Gel. It looked "gooey" and not as gellatin-like as the one I had.  Hmmmm. I am already a believer in Mane Choice products. The owner and creator, Courtney Adeleye is a hair care rock star with ridiculously long natural hair that probably flips itself.  Courtney WOULD NOT put her brand on something if it wasn't AWESOME. So... I paid the $11 (eek!) and headed home to try the Mane Choice gel. 

Um... see my smile in the photo below!!?? When you take a picture with the product you know this stuff works. Look at that definition. Hey, no Ramen noodles here! In fact, Day 2 hair (after you "break the cast" of the initial setting of the gel) has more bounce and slightly less-definition so you get that fuller (it-grows-from-my scalp-like-this ) look. 
PS. The co-wash and gel combo is magical !

