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Good Curls Finish First

Natural Hair Care Product Reviews

To the Matte


(Above I am sporting "Cinna-Bomb" 350 By Revlon--my 2nd favorite)

(Above I am sporting "Cinna-Bomb" 350 By Revlon--my 2nd favorite)

Have you been down the cosmetics aisle lately? Matte lipsticks and stains are EVERYWHERE!? I have to admit, it took me some time to warm up to the muted colors...but now, I love it! I've tried a few brands and my favorite might surprise you.  *digging around to the bottom of my purse* 

 I just dug into the bottom of my purse and ta dah! a variety of matte lipsticks for a product review!!!

 I just dug into the bottom of my purse and ta dah! a variety of matte lipsticks for a product review!!!

The average cost was about $8. 

From left to right pictured above:
Revlon Colorburst Matte Balm ($7.99)
L'Oreal Infallible Paints Mattes ($7.99)
NYX Soft Matte Lip cream ($5.99) (L'Oreal Owned)
True Matte Nickak New York ($2.99)
Wet-n-Wild Liquid Catsuit ($5.99) 


While, the Revlon Color Burst Matte Balm goes on the sleekest and has a bit of mint flavor that makes your lips tingle  when you put it on, it was not my #1 choice. 

The NYX soft matte lip cream, (took 2 swipes) before I got the shade I wanted but it smells very pleasant.  Still, not my fave. 

However, TRUE MATTE by Nickak New York which happened to be (surprisingly) the least expensive one, was my top pick! It stayed on the longest, like 12 hours! I had to remove it with coconut oil...AFTER... drinking and eating!   The others all come off after eating and need to be reapplied. Because of Nickak's staying power, I did a quick ingredients check to see if it had something crazy that made it last so long. Girl please, some companies still use LEAD in their lipsticks!

So, what's in it? 
ingredients: Isododecane, mica, caprylic/capric, triglyceride, hydrogenated styrene/isoprene copolymer, silica dimethyl, siylate, dimethiconol, copolymer, ricinus communis seed oil (castor oil), methylparaben, propylparaben,fragrance, pigment. (May Contain: Titanium Dioxide.) 

*Remember the first ingredient listed means the products contains the most of it.

Isododecane  makes things easier to spread (on) and gives a weightless feel on the skin. Hydrocarbons used in cosmetics help prevent the evaporation of water from skin--which is good for keeping your lips from cracking.  But, then there are Parabens, including methylparaben, which can act like the hormone, estrogen. Uh Oh! MOST beauty products contain parabens, unless noted (PARABEN FREE!!!). I don't wear make up every day (chock it up to good genes!) so I don't worry too much about it. Nevertheless, I wanted to make sure you knew before I endorsed something that might freak you the F out.

Ps. The Wet-n-Wild contains no parabens.  Check it out: