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Viva Curls by Renpure

Good Curls Finish First

Natural Hair Care Product Reviews

Viva Curls by Renpure


I had a coupon, ok?  CVS offered buy one ($10.99) get one $5 and since I had a $5 off of $15 coupon, I bought the Viva Curls Leave-in Conditioner and the Gel for a $10 total. Not bad for someone who promised to stop buying hair care products. Why the ban you ask? Well...

1. I have enough to moisturize  and cleanse the locks of a small village.

2. I technically have already found a few products that work really well for me, provided there is no humidity in the air.

Nevertheless, my $10 loss is your gain. 

I applied the gel to one half or my head and the leave-in conditioner to the other half. It's the only way to see how they truly compare. Even if you wait a few days between, you won't always get a true result because of weather, build-up, freshly-washed, etc. Anyhow... hands down the leave-in conditioner is your best bet! The gel, which I suspected, while applying will leave your curls defined but CRUNCHY and the next day they were frizz-city.  You're welcome. 


The results are in!