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Curl by Kenra (Styling Conditioner)

Good Curls Finish First

Natural Hair Care Product Reviews

Curl by Kenra (Styling Conditioner)


The model looks like she might be a 3b Hair texture or does she?

The model looks like she might be a 3b Hair texture or does she?

Even though the model has 3b hair (which is a finer texture than mine), I decided to try Curl by Kenra products. From the start, I was a little suspicious. Look at the right side of the model's head. Doesn't it look like they could have used a wave iron on her hair? I know it's been done before!  Now,  look underneath that section of hair (on the right). It looks like more coils--a tighter curl. (Phew!)

Kenra products are 30% off this month (September) at Ulta. Also, you CAN use the $3.50 off coupon available on or from the last page of their mailers. I paid $14 (16 oz. bottle) for the styling Leave-In Conditioner. The smell is delicious! You can walk around smelling like fruit punch, while it dries, which is nice.

Aided by only my open windows, my hair dried without "electronic" assistance.  I started with clean hair that only been wrapped in a t-shirt to soak up additional water. 

When my hair was completely dry-- after product application,  I noticed there was significant shrinkage. I made sure to use a fair amount of product. I then, put my hair up in the "pineapple" ponytail to pull out the curls for a good stretch. The next morning my hair was back to frizz city. :o(  The curl definition that you see in the photos was nice... until it dried completely. Once hair is completely dry is the tell-tale moment whether or not the product really works.  I'm going to have to give it a C+ (yummy scent, first-day definition, but the shrinkage and next-day frizz isn't worth the $$.) 

Ps. Ulta (Bless their heart) will let you return a product if it doesn't work for you. So that's nice insurance.

Please try and ignore the fact that I am desperate need of a trim. 

Please try and ignore the fact that I am desperate need of a trim.