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Link to read me page with more information.  Products (Gellie vs. Cream)

Good Curls Finish First

Natural Hair Care Product Reviews Products (Gellie vs. Cream)


TARGET RUN!!!!  Seriously, you might want to go this week because CURLS.Biz products are buy one, get one 50% off!! I've wanted to try their products for some time.  I decided to buy the GODDESS CURLS BOTANICAL GELLIE and CREME BRULE WHIPPED CREAM. If you're like me, you are understandably unsure  if the Gellie or the Cream is better for you.  Luckily, with the promotion you have to get 2 items, which is what I did. In order to get this review posted quickly, I tried BOTH products at the same time.  I put the Gellie on one half of my hair and the Cream on the other. And here's what happened: 


I applied Goddess Curls Botanical Gellie to the left side and Creme Brule Whipped Cream to the right. 

I applied Goddess Curls Botanical Gellie to the left side and Creme Brule Whipped Cream to the right. 

Applied on clean,  t-shirt-dried hair. (Air Dried) There's no difference!

Applied on clean,  t-shirt-dried hair. (Air Dried) There's no difference!


As you can see...both products had the SAME effect on my tresses. If I had to pick just one, it would be the Whipped Cream!!!  The cream smells amazing... and it feels like it moisturizes better. Also, the Gellie feels a tad (seriously only a tad) bit stiff.    
Now, go have fun on your Target run!