Embrace the Natural You Product Line
@ginnyisnatural Genevieve Anyiah is the founder of Embrace The Natural You hair care. (Pictured here -far right standing) in the black dress demonstrating a flat twist on her friend's hair)
Ginny doesn't like to call herself the CEO, but she is undeniably in charge. This mother of two could easily pass for a college student. She started the Embrace The Natural You line of natural hair care products after leaving a job in finance. She is currently enrolled in cosmetology school--just to make it official. She has plans to open her own natural hair salon in the future. As she worked on her friend, Maya's hair she answered questions from the group of women gathered. She did a flat twist while incorporating the Embrace whipped icing and another from the line. Just for attending I get to try the Trinity Glaze, a mix of coconut and sweet almond oil.
Ginny explains that coconut oil will penetrate the hair best and therefore help it retain moisture. Someone asks about porosity of the their hair. "Get a cup of water and put in a section of your hair. If it floats it's high porosity if it doesn't it's low porosity." She said. I immediately thought about sinking into a warm bath and seeing my hair fan out beside me. My hair is high porosity, but I don't need to join a support group, I guess. It just means it's susceptible to frizz because it doesn't retain moisture very well. So you sayin' my hair is thirsty... I muse. Yup, and odds are yours is too. Check back soon to see what the Embrace the Natural You Trinity Glaze does for my tresses. XOXO