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Good Curls Finish First

Natural Hair Care Product Reviews

The Mane Choice Collection


Reading the ingredients of the products can save you time and money,  if you know what you're looking for. 

Reading the ingredients of the products can save you time and money,  if you know what you're looking for. 


THE MANE CHOICE Co-wash, Leave-in conditioner and Detangler. (Yes, it does all 3!)

Buy it here  (Retail: $13.99)

This was my first time using anything from The Mane Choice collection. I was pretty happy with the results. It saved me a great deal of time because I didn't have to wash, condition and then, detangle separately. You'll notice less frizz and more curl definition, especially on the ends. My ends tend to frizz the worst, so that was a pleasant effect. I'd definitely use it again. Thoughts? 

Reading the ingredients of the products can save you time and money,  if you know what you're looking for.