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New Orleans is for Foodies


A few people thought I was crazy for going to New Orleans in August.              

*wiping a sweaty brow* 

Yeah, it's pretty freaking hot down there. The throngs of people milling about on Bourbon St. and throughout the infamous French Quarter only add to the heat index. 

I can't fathom Mardi Gras, not when a normal day in August found thousands of tourists celebrating... the weekend.  A diverse mix of EVERYONE and ANYONE who likes to eat and drink can be found in New Orleans. There were people in costumes, street performers, (ahem...) street walkers, and those eager to find the bon temps (good times) that New Orleans is known for.  If getting ridiculously drunk off of copious amounts of alcohol isn't your thing... don't worry, we know you gotta eat. Foodies, prepare to take notes!

ReeNoun's Recommendations: 

House of Bourbon  (Seafood Sampler)

House of Bourbon  (Seafood Sampler)

Ruby Slippers (Banana Pecan Pancakes with Chicken Sausage)

Ruby Slippers (Banana Pecan Pancakes with Chicken Sausage)

Landry's Po Boy Sandwhich, That's half shrimp and half catfish)

Landry's Po Boy Sandwhich, That's half shrimp and half catfish)

Cafe Du Mondes Famous Beignets

Cafe Du Mondes Famous Beignets

OCEANA, Crab Cake Pasta   (Not pictured)
In the heart of the French Quarter, this place almost always has a line in front of it's front door. Don't worry it moves fast, and is well worth the wait. A staple who boasts celebrity reviews from the likes of President Obama, Drake,and native, Lil Wayne. *Though not listed, a tiny photo on the menu caught my eye, the Crab Cake Pasta. Delish! The cream sauce was seasoned perfectly--and the crab cake helped it from being too heavy. 

I got the shrimp and grits. (Not pictured)
The fresh loaves of french bread they give you while you wait, almost eclipse how good the food is once it arrives. By the end of the meal, I was rationing my bread to dip in the grits. (Yes, it was THAT good!) 

WHO GOES TO THE SAZERAC BAR...and doesn't order a Sazerac? Me. That's actually a daiquiri....but it was good all the same. 

WHO GOES TO THE SAZERAC BAR...and doesn't order a Sazerac? Me. That's actually a daiquiri....but it was good all the same. 

I had to use a black and white filter on this one, so romantic. 

I had to use a black and white filter on this one, so romantic. 

A French Quarter Corridor

A French Quarter Corridor



Boubour St.

Boubour St.