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Ok...I really wish I could tell you very specifically what my blog is about. Right now it's still working it's self out...  (which I hear is usually how it goes for first time bloggers). Maybe you just check it out anyway? 



I've heard that people from New Zealand hate to be lumped in with Australians. Sorry, but for the sake of this post, it just makes it easier. Apparently, there aren't just crocodiles, koala bears, and kangaroos in Australia!  There's some SOUL coming from down under y'all.  Someday I will complete the list with a solid 10,  but, right now, I have 6 artists/bands for your listening pleasure. I've assembled a playlist on Spotify (because I know you're busy). These R&B Aussies are sure to have you groovin' out. Who knew they had it poppin' down under, like we do things "Up Top"---lol can we make that a thing? No? Ok, fine.  JUST LISTEN then. 

LISTEN TO MY "SOUL DOWN UNDER" PLAYLIST ON SPOTIFY (Play it online if you haven't downloaded the spotify app. Search "ReeNoun" or "Soul Down Under") 


I've seen them LIVE and they were...AMAZING. That's how you know the band is FIRE!!

I've seen them LIVE and they were...AMAZING. That's how you know the band is FIRE!!

Watch out Sandra Dee...I would love to hear Grace in GREASE.

Watch out Sandra Dee...I would love to hear Grace in GREASE.

When there are this many people in the band, it has to be good.

When there are this many people in the band, it has to be good.

I did a double-take at his photo too.

I did a double-take at his photo too.

No, this is not Matthew Young also. It's MWDS, you know from Brisbane. 

No, this is not Matthew Young also. It's MWDS, you know from Brisbane.