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Ok...I really wish I could tell you very specifically what my blog is about. Right now it's still working it's self out...  (which I hear is usually how it goes for first time bloggers). Maybe you just check it out anyway? 

Michigan's New Athletic Director is... Warde Manuel


"This is for us." Warde Manuel began. 

The University of Michigan Black Alumni Welcoming Reception for Manuel was held on Thursday, June 23, 2016.  

Manuel, stood almost a foot taller than most attendees. The 48-year-old Louisiana native had an approachable demeanor.  He was all smiles and chuckling while perhaps, trading memories with some of his college buddies in attendance. 

A crowd of more than 150 people gathered at the University of Michigan's Dearborn campus on Thursday to welcome the newly appointed athletic director.  Manuel is one of only two African-American athletic directors within the Big Ten universities.  

57% of College Football Players are African-American.

*For a complete list of the Big Ten universities:

Manuel, praised his Alma mater for the university's progress in inclusion and diversity.

"I'm not here because I'm black," he said.

Manuel said, he hoped the university president, Mark Schlissel had hired the best person for the job. Given Manuel's experience, he is more than qualified for the position. Before the Q & A session, he encouraged attendees to use their roles to help others.

"Do something for the university who has helped put us here." Manuel said. 

For those of you who want to follow Warde Manuel on Facebook or Twitter, he admits he rarely ever checks his social media accounts. 

As, he fielded questions from the crowd, he appeared comfortable and genuine. He did not elude to any changes regarding the future of Wolverine Athletics, though some were curious.  Perhaps, Warde Manuel may be more of a man of action.  He ended the speech with, "Go Blue!"

 Go Blue, indeed.