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R & B Brits You Should Give A Listen To


RB Brits.jpg

'ello! Break out the tea and crumpets!

England and America will always have a special kind of relationship. I mean America is after all England's rebellious kid who never comes home for holidays, right? Here are my top 10 artists of the moment who are from...just across the pond. 

(*In no particular order)

  1. Lianne La Havas (Worked with Prince on one of his last albums "Art Official Age")
  2. Corrine Bailey Rae (Debuted in 2005 with "Closer". She's back with a new album!) 
  3. Raleigh Ritchie (Fun Fact: He plays Grey Worm on Game Of Thrones!? Double Threat, eh?)
  4. Ady Suleiman  (so worth following on IG)
  5. FKA Twigs (Soon to be Mrs. Robert Pattinson--maybe???) 
  6. Louis Mattrs ( See!
  7. Jessie Ware  (if you love SADE, you will love her)
  8. Nao (Her EP entitled, "February 15" is out now--Bad Blood is my favorite.)
  9. AlunaGeorge (Her vocals are as cute as she is)
  10. Ella Eyre (There is a rock-n-roll edginess in her raspy belt...enjoy)

Honorable Mentions that you already knew about: