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Ok...I really wish I could tell you very specifically what my blog is about. Right now it's still working it's self out...  (which I hear is usually how it goes for first time bloggers). Maybe you just check it out anyway? 

Detroit '67 (A Play By Dominique Morriseau)


The story begins with a series of playful scenes that make you think that it may be a lighthearted tale. Then a badly beaten white woman shows up. The ominous sign of a her (Caroline), in this condition and somewhere she didn't readily belong is foreshadowing. The doom on the horizon will become one of Detroit's worst moments in the last 50 years

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R & B Brits You Should Give A Listen To


'ello! Break out the tea and crumpets!

England and America will always have a special kind of relationship. I mean America is after all England's rebellious kid who never comes home for holidays, right? Here are my top 10 artists of the moment who are from...just across the pond. 

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