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Detroit Soup


Ok...I really wish I could tell you very specifically what my blog is about. Right now it's still working it's self out...  (which I hear is usually how it goes for first time bloggers). Maybe you just check it out anyway? 

Detroit Soup


Imagine a dinner party for your neighbors. You all get together at someone's home and discuss ways to make your community better. The folks from down the block are soon engaged in a friendly conversation with the family from around the corner.  Everyone's smiling, laughing and having a good time. Now, imagine that same dinner party with more than 100 or so of your neighbors...presto! You now have a Detroit ( or your city name) Soup event.  

I put $5 in the pot (literally) when I walked through the door. No matter what,  my $5 was going to end up going to a worthy cause. A cause, that I wasn't sure of just yet. Soon, three people would present their idea, their passion, and their project. They would try to convince the crowd to vote for their cause and the winner would take all. The pot (valued in hundreds of dollars by now)  could be used to fund their vision. (Think: Shark Tank...the MC said.) 

I soon found out just where my $5 might be headed. Would it be:

A city-wide kite-flying event on Belle Isle


The development and restoration of a Detroit home to be named, Elli's House. Which would become  a safe haven for young girls when things aren't okay at home. The main purpose is to protect young runaways from sex trafficking and prostitution. A former female Detroit Police Officer is credited with this idea.


Know (Alliance/Allegiance) Bookstore and Tea Corner
Born from the imagination of a public school educator, the vision for a tea corner (not a coffee shop) that offers local artists and writers a place to showcase their work. This would be a mid-neighborhood spot for at-risk youth to find their own inspiration among people just like them. 

 I won't tell you which idea earned my vote, but it was five dollars well-spent. 

Oh! Soup among other donated food was served also...hence the title. 

  For more information or how you can start a SOUP event in your city visit:

By luck, I met last time's winner, Shanel.